Kristin Bjorge is a consultant, educator, coach, and interdisciplinary visual artist. A deep fascination with human behavior and contextual symbology fuels her lifelong exploration of perception. Her work is a synthesized expression of interest in aesthetics and metaphysics.

Over 20 years in Los Angeles, Kristin built a solid reputation in the entertainment industry as a trusted stylist & costume designer who brings enthusiasm and laughter to a wide variety of projects. She's collaborated with over 60 leading brands and a diverse range of clients including rockstars, rocket scientists, and innovative changemakers.

Kristin received a B.A. in Photography & Graphic Design while studying visual arts and marketing at Arizona State University. After assisting multiple top commercial photographers, a brief stint in advertising at R&R Partners, and traffic managing at fashion/lifestyle publication 944 Magazine, she immersed herself into the world of entertainment.

She teaches part-time as adjunct faculty at ASU FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising), produces e-commerce luxury apparel content for Nordstrom, consults with personal clients and brands, and styles for advertising campaigns.

It’s no surprise that I chose to follow the dream of playing dress up with people as my career. After all, the bulk of my childhood and teenage years were spent doing just that! The mall was my playground and no single store rack was left unexplored before calling it a day. The theater allowed me the novelty of stepping into costume and acting a frivolous fool like Peter Pan. My mother’s closet was a magical place where dead stock fabrics served as the medium to craft couture pieces on her 1960’s Singer workhorse. Countless hours in high school were spent with my girlfriends, producing funky Polaroid fashion shoots and wallpapering our bedrooms with ads torn from Vogue and Elle.